SETOPS: A tiny C library for set operations
Wrote this piece of code for my own use. Like a very good programmer, I googled around a bit before writing this but couldn't find anything as simple and lightweight.About the code:
Set elements are represented by bits in an array of 64-bit integers. Set operations- union/intersection/set difference etc are performed as bit-wise operations making it pretty fast. My favorite is the bitcnt() function that computes number of bits that are =1 in the given 64-bit number. It uses divide and conquer approach(same as merge sort) to do the job in O(log n) where n is number of bits in given number (Here it is 64: hence 6 steps). Alternately, it computes Hamming weight of a given 64-bit number.
gcc -o <your application> <yourfile>.c setops.c -lm
If you find it useful, please let me know with comments.
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Drexel University.8/27/2013***************************************/ /**********************setops.h*********************************************************/ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <math.h> typedef struct { uint64_t* elements; int nchunks; } set; typedef set set_t[1]; void setops_insert_ul(set_t, unsigned long newel); void setops_delete_ul(set_t, unsigned long delel); void setops_intersection(set_t,set_t,set_t); void setops_union(set_t,set_t,set_t); void setops_setdiff(set_t,set_t,set_t); void setops_init(set_t); void setops_printset_bits(set_t); void setops_printset_pretty(set_t); unsigned int bitcnt(uint64_t); unsigned int setops_cardinality(set_t); int setops_ismember_ul(set_t, unsigned long); void setops_clear(set_t); int* setops_set2intarray1(set_t ,unsigned int); /**********************setops.c*********************************************************/ #include "setops.h" void setops_init(set_t set1) { set1->elements=calloc(1,sizeof(uint64_t)); set1->nchunks=1; } void setops_printset_bits(set_t set1) { int i,j; uint64_t n; for(i=0;i<set1->nchunks;i++) { n=set1->elements[i]; for(j=0;j<64;j++) { if ((n & ((UINT64_MAX-1)/2)+1)>0LLU) { printf("1"); } else { printf("0"); } n <<= 1; } } printf("\n"); } void setops_insert_ul(set_t set1, unsigned long newel) { uint64_t n; float k; int oldnchunks=set1->nchunks; int chunkindex,bitindex,i; chunkindex=(int)(newel/64) +2; //printf("chunkindex is %d",chunkindex); if (chunkindex>set1-> nchunks) // we need to augment! { set1->elements=realloc(set1->elements,chunkindex*sizeof(uint64_t)); set1->nchunks=chunkindex; } for(i=oldnchunks;i<set1->nchunks;i++) { set1->elements[i]=0LLU; } set1->elements[chunkindex-1]|=1LLU<<(64-(newel%64)); } int setops_ismember_ul(set_t set1, unsigned long el) { uint64_t n; float k; int chunkindex,bitindex,j,i; chunkindex=(int)(el/64) +2; if (chunkindex>set1->nchunks) // not a member { return 0; } else { if((set1->elements[chunkindex-1] & (1LLU<<(64-(el%64))))>0LLU) // member! { return 1; } else // not a member { return 0; } } } void setops_delete_ul(set_t set1, unsigned long delel) { uint64_t n; float k; int chunkindex,bitindex; chunkindex=ceil(delel/64) +1; if (chunkindex>set1-> nchunks) // delel is not in the set { return; } n=(uint64_t)pow(2,64-(delel%64)); set1->elements[chunkindex-1]=set1->elements[chunkindex-1] &= ~(1LLU << (64-(delel%64))); } void setops_intersection(set_t intersection,set_t set1,set_t set2) { // no need to initialize intersection int i,k; int oldnchunks=set1->nchunks; setops_init(intersection); k=set1->nchunks<set2->nchunks ? set1->nchunks: set2->nchunks; if(k>intersection->nchunks) //augment intersection if needed { intersection->elements=realloc(intersection->elements,k*sizeof(uint64_t)); intersection->nchunks=k; } for(i=oldnchunks;i<intersection->nchunks;i++) { intersection->elements[i]=0LLU; } for(i=0;i<k;i++) { intersection->elements[i]=set1->elements[i] & set2->elements[i]; } } unsigned int bitcnt(uint64_t num) { // a simple divide and conquer approach thats will find number of 1s(hamming weight) // in an n-bit number in log_2(n) steps unsigned int k; uint64_t x=num; x = (x & 0x5555555555555555) + ((x >> 1) & 0x5555555555555555); x = (x & 0x3333333333333333) + ((x >> 2) & 0x3333333333333333); x = (x & 0x0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F) + ((x >> 4) & 0x0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F); x = (x & 0x00FF00FF00FF00FF) + ((x >> 8) & 0x00FF00FF00FF00FF); x = (x & 0x0000FFFF0000FFFF) + ((x >> 16) & 0x0000FFFF0000FFFF); x = (x & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF) + ((x >> 32) & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF); k=(unsigned int)x;// we can do this since the number will never exceed 64 return x; } unsigned int setops_cardinality(set_t set1) { int i; unsigned int cnt=0; for(i=0;i<set1->nchunks;i++) { cnt+=bitcnt(set1->elements[i]); } return cnt; } void setops_union(set_t setunion,set_t set1,set_t set2) { // no need to initialize setunion uint64_t* elements1,*elements2; int i,k,l; setops_init(setunion); k=set1->nchunks<set2->nchunks ? set2->nchunks: set1->nchunks;//max chunks elements1=set1->nchunks<set2->nchunks ? set2->elements: set1->elements;// elements of larger set l=set1->nchunks<set2->nchunks ? set1->nchunks: set2->nchunks;//min chunks elements2=set1->nchunks<set2->nchunks ? set1->elements: set2->elements;// elements of smaller set if(k>setunion->nchunks) //augment intersection if needed { setunion->elements=realloc(setunion->elements,k*sizeof(uint64_t)); setunion->nchunks=k; } for(i=0;i<k;i++) { if(i<l) { setunion->elements[i]=elements1[i] | elements2[i]; } else { setunion->elements[i]=elements1[i]; } } } void setops_setdiff(set_t setdiff,set_t set1,set_t set2) { int i; setdiff->elements=calloc(set1->nchunks,sizeof(uint64_t)); setdiff->nchunks=set1->nchunks; for(i=0;i<set1->nchunks;i++) { setdiff->elements[i]=set1->elements[i] & (~set2->elements[i]); } } void setops_printset_pretty(set_t set1) { int i; long j; printf("\n{"); for(i=0;i<set1->nchunks;i++) { for(j=0;j<64;j++) { if(setops_ismember_ul(set1,i*64+j+1)==1) { printf(" %ld",i*64+j+1); } } } printf(" }\n"); } void setops_clear(set_t set1) { free(set1->elements); } int* setops_set2intarray1(set_t set1,unsigned int cardinality) { int i,k=0; long j; int* setarray; setarray=malloc(cardinality*sizeof(int)); for(i=0;i<set1->nchunks;i++) { for(j=0;j<64;j++) { if(setops_ismember_ul(set1,i*64+j+1)==1) { setarray[k]=i*64+j+1; k++; } } } return setarray; } |
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