Lets hit the crux of the matter. The thing is, on Friday we had an activity at VIT. Plantation of saplings. The patron was Be the Change, the newly founded group of students who feel the need to indemnify; for man has incurred too much trouble while trying quell his burning desire. The concept is- you plant a sapling, take care of it while you are at VIT and hand over the parentage to a junior when you leave. It is really an exciting prospect to see a sapling planted years ago to have grown into a handsome tree. A really fun way to act as a metaphor for a serious cause.This post may look like the TE EXTC version of the event because I clicked only limited photos owing to low battery of my famous camera(No. It doesn't give immediate printout. Can't afford. I m not the real Sanjay Singhania after all.)
All the same, I will be very glad if someone from other classes shares their pics. I can add them here as well.
(L-R) Poorva, Nitee and Sampada

P.S. : Skeptics have their views about the activities and social work . For the fellow members of 'Be the Change' i would quote Bhagwan Shrikrishna (Bhagvdgeeta-Karmyoga- Verse 8)
'Do your allotted duty. Action is
indeed superior to inaction.
Even the survival of your body would not
be possible without action.'
indeed superior to inaction.
Even the survival of your body would not
be possible without action.'
Wohoo.. Sanjay.. fantastic use of english wid a touch of humour.. A simple topic handled reli well!! keep it up bro :)